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2020-21 Policy Reports
Analyst: Reetinder Kaur Chowdhary
Team Lead: Emma Murray
April 2021
Analysts: Matthew Oh
Team Lead: Wahaj Alam
April 2021
Analysts: Alexandria De Sousa
Team Lead: Wahaj Alam​
April 2021
Analysts: Megan Annable
Team Lead: Wahaj Alam
April 2021
Analyst: Ruth Rosalle
Team Lead: Wahaj Alam
April 2021
Analyst: Juliana Prah
Team Lead: Wahaj Alam
April 2021
Analyst: Lauren Grosberg, Madison Ropac, Maria Benak
Team Lead: Rebecca Warrian
April 2021
Immigrant Skills & Employment Post COVID19
Analyst: An Nguyen Beekhof
Team Lead: Emma Murray
April 2021
Artificial Intelligence and Future of Work
The emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in everyday processes is becoming increasingly common, affecting the lives of people in implicit and explicit manners. The application of AI has changed government processes, enabling governments to be more efficient in a variety of realms ranging from defence to healthcare (Datar, 2019). While Canada has adopted some AI measures, it lags behind countries such as China who have leveraged the potential of AI.
Analyst: Joud Alhmoud, Joseph Rossi, Angelah Liu
Team Lead: Anandu Nair
April 2021
Autonomous Vehicle Regulations: Jurisdictional Scan on the US, China, Europe, and Canada
Autonomous vehicles (AVs) will likely be the way of the future. The benefits of autonomous vehicles include improved safety, improved access to transportation, less congestion on roadways, and increased economic activity as there will be less traffic accidents. The purpose of this jurisdictional scan is to outline the existing regulatory frameworks surrounding autonomous vehicles in 4 different regions: the United States, China, Canada, and Europe. We also highlighted the challenges that each region is facing in terms of ethical and logistic problems when considering making autonomous vehicle policy.
Analyst: Matt Frola, Eric Gu, Amandeep Hanspal, James Phan
Team Lead: Reem Sheikh-Khalil
April 2021
Towards A National Data Strategy: the case for more active governance
Digital technology has allowed data to be collected and used far more cheaply and easily than ever before. This generates considerable economic opportunities, and indeed we have seen how business models have evolved with data at their center. But just as the economic opportunities cannot be overstated, a digital transformation has raised numerous concerns. To date, Canada has insufficiently updated its laws, regulations and policies to govern the use and data and ensure that our fundamental values are upheld in the digital sphere. A national data strategy involves a coordinated whole-of-government approach to data governance. We will focus on two issues in particular - competition and national security -- which stem from inadequate data governance, and discuss how Federal policy changes can address these issues.
Analyst: Jessica Macdonald, Hugh Ragan, Samantha Odrowaz-Sekely
Team Lead: Brody Longmuir
April 2021
Policy Toolkit: The Key Fundamentals to An Understanding of Disruptive Innovation and Regulatory Policy
This policy toolkit seeks to assemble fundamental knowledge regarding disruptive innovation and regulatory policy. This toolkit also includes a key list of considerations on making decisions regarding regulatory policy.
Analyst: Sophia Akhavan-Zanjani
Team Lead: Jeanne Lee
April 2021
AI as a Disruptive Technology: Canada’s future of AI Regulation and Governance
This report seeks to advise on Canada’s approach on AI governance by examining the keys risks of AI and the leading regulatory responses around the world. This report first illustrates the disruptive nature of AI, and then lists out the key issues associated with the regulation of this technology along with some high-impact and high-risk areas that government should devote more attention to. The next section examines Canada’s current approach to AI regulation and conducts a jurisdictional scan on international practices and trends. In the final section, this report will outline the key considerations and provide a list of policy recommendations to the Canadian government based on those considerations.
Analyst: Jiayang (Irene) Shan
Team Lead: Jeanne Lee
April 2021
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